Deputy Director

Fundak Alexey Dmitrievich


    In 1978 graduated the Geological Prospecting faculty of Ivano-Frankovsk Oil & Gas Institute (IFING). After graduating the institute went to Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug to work in Yamalgeofizika LLC in Purovskaya geophysical expedition.

    In 1978-1988 worked in a seismic crew as a Senior Technical Specialist, Leader of a Blast Hole Drilling Group, Seismic Group Leader, Head of a Seismic Crew (8 years). During field work, the quality of field data in his crews was one of the highest in the expedition. In 1986 became the first one who used vibro-sources in his crew instead of explosives.

   In 1988-2000 worked in Purovskaya group of geophysical crews as a Processing Technician, Geophysicist, Head of a Processing Group, Director of this group of crews.

    Since 2001 till the present day holds the position of a Deputy Director of Purgeofizika LLC, responsible for Purgeofizika work management under direct control of Company Director, at that being an active processing geophysicist.

  • Has the experience of work as a Processing Geophysicist in the areas of West-Siberian (Yurkharovsky, Chatylkinsko-Udmurtsky, Samburgsky, Zapadno-Tazovsky, Novo-Yurkharovsky, Geofizichesky, Zapadno-Urengoisky, Salmanovsky, Vyngapurovsky, Severo-Khancheisky, Severo-Russky, Termokarstovyi, Salekaptsko-Perekatnyi, Purpeisky, Malo-Yamalsky prospects, etc.), East-Siberian (territory of Nepsky dome) petroleum provinces.
  • Regional works at the territory of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk Krai.
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