Chief Engineer

Makrushina Nina Gavrilovna


    In 1982 graduated the Geophysical faculty of Sverdlovsk Mining Institute by specialty “Geophysical Methods of Mineral Search & Prospecting”.

    After graduating the institute worked in the north of Tyumen region in Yamalgeofizika LLC, holding the positions from a Geophysicist in the office study group up to a Chief Geophysicist of Purovskaya geophysical expedition.

    Since 2011 is a Chief Engineer of Purgeofizika LLC, responsible for drawing up contractual & tender documentation; control of contract compliance; management of a field-work technical methodic control department activity.

  • Work experience as an executive in charge and author of 2 reports on West-Siberian areas.
  • Participation in seismic data interpretation made in the framework of drawing up 2 reports on West-Siberian areas.
  • Experience of technical & methodic control of 3D/2D CDP field seismic reflection operations; more than 10-year experience of on-site initial field data QC (as a Field Geophysicist & Supervisor).
  • Field work at Etypurskaya, Yamsoveiskaya, Omrasyuganskaya, Yaro-Yakhskaya, Tagulskaya, Khancheiskaya & Torfyanaya areas of West Siberia.
  • Work in India in Udaipur state (Agartala city) & Gudjarat state (Patan city) – control and support of 3D CDP field seismic reflection operations.
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